"Sky News has reviewed the DEC appeal and can confirm that there is nothing in it about Rupert Murdoch or his interests," said a spokesman for Sky News. "This is a question of being absolutely impartial in our output and we simply aren’t."
The announcement was met with headlines and opinion from other News Corporation sources, a selection are given below:-
- "Israeli attack on Gaza - undamaged Murdoch empire requires no aid" - The Times
- "Gaza residents - Free Sky Plus box with every dish installed on your rubble." – The Sun
- "BBC boobs reveals Sky’s tits" – News of the World

"We aren’t expecting many people to demonstrate against our decision," said the spokesman, "Few Sky subscribers can get off their sofa on a January morning, and fewer still are capable of walking a few miles."
Sky News today held an impartial interactive survey asking it’s red-button thumping viewers "Is Sky News right to follow the BBC? – vote "Yes" or "No the BBC is wrong".
However one of the Sky News crack news reporters said that she did not understand why there was so much debate given the past record of the subject matter.
"I don’t understand the fuss," said lunchtime news anchor Kay Billingsworth. "I mean does Gazza really need the money so much, maybe he should just stop drinking."
The Beeb should broadcast it though. Won't someone think of the children?
LOL - striahgt to the ehart of the matter! Nice work.
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