"We were researching the mummy of an ancient Egyptian Princess Tentopet, from the time of Ramesses ‘The Great’. When we produced a computer reconstruction of her skeleton, we were quite surprised by the findings," explained Dr. Bill Billingsworth of the Sidcup Centre of Pantheonic Studies. "That Tentopet was of slightly above average height is to be expected as she would have had the better diet of royalty. However she also exhibits wider and thicker hips, thighs and upper arms, whilst the rest of her skeleton is of average dimensions."
The team hopes that their discovery will provide information for the millions of people said to be suffering from ‘big bones’.

"There is a catalogue of the beasts of the kingdom along with the plants of her farms. Each animal and plant has been given a value," explained Dr Bill Billingsworth. "We think it is some sort of religion based on eating certain combinations of animals, or attaining a certain total. One translation of the document title is the ‘Lexicon of the Heaviness Observers’."
Entombed with Tentopet were several documents describing her reign and include details of a ceremonial weekly weigh-in for all of her female subjects involving the chant ‘No matter what, we can’t lose weight."
However it is the remarkable skeleton that has excited the team the most as their subsequent research reveals it to be a unique specimen.
"We have checked medical records, autopsy reports, and neither ancient specimens nor modern records have ever documented a genuine ‘big-boned’ human skeleton, until now," said Dr. Billingsworth. "Although they are quite common in pigs," he added.
No more sarcastic big bone jokes!
Michelle says:
My best friend is "'big boned'" so to speak.
this one's for the people that think of the world "as it should be".
So the papyrus is an old weightwatchers' book?
Anonymous 2: wtf, some people can't help being bigger than others, even if it is them eating too much - comfort eating comes into play and so does that illness where you can't STOP eating. "Just another reason for fat asses to find an excuse to stuff themselves" Some people might use it as an excuse to hide that they're comfort eating etc, things they can't help. But many people who are rather big are on diets. Hmm?
I believe that people can be 'big boned', and now there is proof; but now it doesn't mean that every large person is. Some people are just fat.
Ok.. to all you assholes who keep talking about "fat" people eating junk food: its amazing that you only say that to larger people. because ive seen PLENTY of skinny people eat just as much or even more garbage.
and in response to the article.. thats pretty interesting. i wonder though if they could have looked thin even though their bones were big..
It's a joke. I can't believe you don't get that. No matter how badly you want to think you're overweight because of big bones its not true. However its probably not your fault if you have an awful metabolism or a disorder. The last two paragraphs should have made it clear they weren't serious if you didn't notice the subtitle for the site.
The ''funny'' thing is, you people sayin all this crap bout slightly larger people being fat doesnt help them! scum balls like u that say larger people are fat and its there fault have no hearts. if u sit back for a while and use your brain maybe you will realise that they comfort eat because of stupid delinquents like urself who put them down and make them feel like crap! so if u have such a problem with ''fat'' people keep it to yourself!!!!
"you're not born obese, you become obese, and however big you are, its your own fault."
I have to say I find this comment very offensive, fair enough if you are overweight through over eating, but due to a long term illness I was put on a large dose of steroids (not anabolic). This caused my weight to ballon up from 12 to 16 stone in a matter of months(and yes I play football (soccer)and train every week and eat reasonably healthly). People like you are very ignorant and comments like "however big you are, its your own fault" are very upsetting to people that are larger through illness rather than through thier own overeating. Ill ask you a question would you assume that a man/woman in a wheelchair was there because "its thier own fault", no? so why tar every fat person with that brush?
Sorry for the rant but its comments like these that make my illness even harder to cope with.
lol, you guys are retarded. do you seriously believe this article? the part where they all hant "no matte what, we can't lose weight" should give it away.
and about overweight people, you can help it. it might ust take longer to lose than it takes others.
Putting on weight puts pressure and stress on the skeletal system. And how does the body react to this stress? It thickens the bones to adapt to the pressure. Your body is constantly breaking down and building now bone to get calcium and potassium. Its no evolutionary breakthrough - obese people do have big bones to supports their heavy bodies.
If they had normal-built frames, they'd break them in an instant.
Sorry for the typos in the above comment, I forgot to proofread.
well actually this is true...my mom is bigboned, seriously...but only so many people are actually bigboned...but like 96% are not....soo yah....being bigboned can happen.
so this one skeleton is enough validation to prove that the millions of husky or big-boned people out there are ligit? Sorry if I don't buy into the excuse just yet
so they found Cartmans dead body?
i thought they killed Kenny
"So this one skeleton is enough validation to prove that the millions of husky or big-boned people out there are ligit?"
Yes, they are ligit. Ever heard of genetics? I get my big bones from my mom's side of the family. I'm not overweight, so I'm not using big bones as an excuse. But there are big-boned people out there. My wrists are larger than my dad's, and he doesn't have small wrists or anything like that. Stop being so ignorant . . . many of you are all so prejudiced that you can't see that some of the larger people out there are truly in healthy shape, and just have large bones.
If you're fat deal with it. Big bones are probably an irregularity, this was an old time thing. Maybe it was something from back then, but no one now is big boned. they're fat, Scientists would have found a modern person with it.So what if they're fat, if they have a huge problem with it then they can lose weight. Nothing to argue about. If you're fat. sorry, It's probably just you're metabolism or something.
Just because you have an illness doesn't mean you can still eat right. Some people can't digest protein, hell, some can't digest any more than dumdums and ice chips. Other disorders make the intestines swell so the person looks bigger and exercise doesn't usually fix it, some people can't even exercise. I agree that a lot here is offensive and even some of the people that aren't are still making blanket statements. It's not that simple.
ok look im fat ok im 16 and wiegh 215 pounds...if your fat deal with it ok jeeze i mean so what most "illneses" arent just boom you have it its from starting it...you dont controll yourself and then when you realize your fat you think oh its because i have a problem...NO its because you dont take care of yourself...jeeze i had an eating problem and i got out of it so you can to ok....
While I agree that some are at fault for their own weight problem, I also agree with others just can't help it no matter how hard they try. So saying, there's nothing wrong with a little pudge. It gives the world's people a differing uniqueness, and it's fun to snuggle :P
fat people made themself fat,unless it's a thyriod....however you spell it. so if it offends you then put down the donut and pick up the dumbell/
fat in NOT an illness you jerks. Its a way of making people notice you, because lets be honest, who cant notice someone as big as a whale?
You might be offended by people calling you fat, but what about the slim people you call anorexic? At least MY heart hasn't got fat crushing it, because i keep my weight down. You w**kers.
Slim down and shut up. Recite that every morning and you are sorted... slim down and shut up. slim down and shut up....
Wow, I love how the "thin" people immediately get defensive when nothing is said about them. I'm one of those people that even when I was in really good shape, running twice a day, and lifting weights I was still overweight. Sometimes there's only so much you can do about it.
wow. 0_o well, i guess it's true then, i never really had anything against the theory anyhow but im still taken aback a little. no more jokes, then. :s
aye, dat wus some funni $h!*#. Al yall skninny f*****s think yall rule da world. i aint mad cause fat jokes make me laugh. Ha Ha.lol.
Ok people calm the hell down. Its just an article. People are people no matter what size they are. You people act as if people with different weights are a completely different species. Well Theyre not! some people have more to love and some dont. what the hell do you care? live your lives dont worry about others. people believe what they want and your not going to change it by saying hurtful things to each other. if your big your big if your not your not. no need to use labels. GROW UP!
Fat people deserve it! If they didn't spend so much time whining about how OBESE they are and STFU, then maybe they would find some time to stop being so LAZY and exercise! Although, it must be pretty hard to function with your head stuck up your ass...oh wait you couldn't reach it!
hell im fat and proud. i nfact, id rather be fat with some meat on my bones than just be so thin you can see your carcuss through your skin.
Ok, HELL NO! You guys ain't all posting lame 'your head is so far up yo' ass' are y'all? Oh dear God! Okay, ground rules, some people need to get a life outside of the yo' momma and yo' so fat jokes. In fact, just stay away from the yo' jokes altogether.
Now onto the business.
Anonymous said...
Ok.. to all you assholes who keep talking about "fat" people eating junk food: its amazing that you only say that to larger people. because ive seen PLENTY of skinny people eat just as much or even more garbage.
I completely agree. I'm skinny as all hell and I eat junk-food everyday yet my friend is the healthiest woman in the world and walks god only knows how many kilometers a day, goes to gym for three hours every day and eats right- she is strictly against junk-food as she does not want to set a bad example for her three children. But, even after all of this she can't lose the weight she's had since as far back as she can remember.
Now, can y'all please get back on track? This is an amazing scientific discovery and it might really matter for some people who want to comment but this webpage is so full of fat and yo' jokes that they really cannot be bothered to. Next time y'all should think before spamming a comment board.
You retarded yanks. Are you really too stupid to understand the concept of a spoof article? Or was it a bit too subtle for you - perhaps having the word "JOKE" in big flashing letters might have done the trick.
And as for fat people - stop whining. If you eat less and do more exercise you will lose weight. Simple as that. Fat people don't defy the laws of physics.
(although not all you yanks believe in the laws of science, do you - primitive fairy stories from the Middle East are more your bag...)
Actually now more than ever being over weight isn't really a person's fault, with all of the growth hormones and other chemicals (like mono sodium glutamate) are causing people to eat more,anything that has msg will make you gain weight gauranteed. And unfortunately food companies and fast food resturaunts have discovered that with these chemicals people eat more of their food and people who eat more food become over weight and people who are over weight eat more food! They're putting this stuff in baby food for christ's sake! And it makes sense when you think of how more and more people have started to become over weight and obese in Europe when before they weren't. Oh and what coencides with this change? The number of American fast food resturaunts and food chains now feeding Europe. You might dismiss this as paranoid or a conspiracy theory but if you do, why don't you go look at the ingredients of Campbell's soup or Lay's potatoes chips and tell me it doesn't say it has "mono sodium glutamate (msg)" in it!
hey guys i dont give a fuck. if your obese its all your fault 99% of the time stop complaing and i dont wanna give u my tax muny so u can ride in a fat chair drinkin mayonnaise and i dont wanna have to keep payin for ur heart surgery and what not
some people really are dim...! it is not big boned at all...you are just FAT..so wake up and smell the coffee you lard arses... get your arse off the sofa, sort out your bed sores and get down the gym.
Children, children. Can we all calm down for a moment, put aside petty differences and ignorance, please? I am 5'11" and approx. 240lbs. I am fat. I know a fair number of people who are "fat". It happens. Some people are more prone to being fat wether it be genetics, or a lazy upbringing wherein parents who either can't or won't cook allow a fast food chain to do it for them, etc. One of the biggest things that effects weight is metabolism. The slower your metabolism, the more fat you produce per amount of food you intake, and the same with faster metabolisms producing less. Often enough being "fat" is a by-product of laziness. That's the leading cause for myself. If you don't excercise much, ie. being lazy, your metabolism will slow down. If you drastically decrease the amount of food you eat, your metabolism will slow down. Many fat people can become slimmer through proper diet and excercise, you just have to try. And unfortunatly while some of us over weight folks watch 6'3" 100 pounders pack down cheeseburger after cheeseburger, we have to realize that sometimes it's just not going to be that easy, and sometime metabolism won't change in your favour that much.
We have no need for petty squabbling. Slimmer people, please stop insulting fat people, it is not always entirely their fault, and if that's the lifestyle you've led for so long, it is very hard to change it. On the same token, fat people, stop insulting slimmer people, because no matter how much you try and insult them, call them anorexic or some such, the fact remains that you are the size you are until you change it.
I wonder how many people will actually read this and think for a second... If this changes the mind of one person even slightly, it will have been worth writing.
Fat's not an illness but illnesses cause it too
"While I agree that some are at fault for their own weight problem, I also agree with others just can't help it no matter how hard they try. So saying, there's nothing wrong with a little pudge. It gives the world's people a differing uniqueness, and it's fun to snuggle :P"
Thank you for posting that.
Fat or thin, color or creed I don't give a damn, it's ppl over 3 foot tall that really wind me up 'cos they make me look SHORT!!
I am 5ft6 and weight 23 stone. I have recently compared my wrist size with my friend who is 4ft4 and found mine is slightly larger. This article therefore confirms what I had hoped - that my weight problem is caused by my big bones and not all those snacks that I eat that friends tell me I should include in my calorie count.
I love big boned girls...lets face it theres more of em to play with and the be-atches can't run away either...!
Oh like this is so totally good news. I mean when Lady Di was still alive I too suffered from bulimia. It was like well distressing cos my own fingers always taste funny.
But you know, I was kind of drifting for years, but now it's so good to see a Princess had this big boned problem too. Her figure looks just so totally like mine, and I like just soooo can't shift the weight. That's why I don't go running.
wowwww i'm really glad that this article has caused such an uproar with everyone. ITS A JOKE! HAHA, GET IT???...and i'm also only mildly surprised that some people actually think it is REAL scientific evidence...for it is not. sorry to burst your bubble all you "big Boned" people.
now don't think i'm hating on the fat people...i'm overweight too, but i actually take some responsibility for my weight and try to eat right and run 3 miles a day, you know, taking the initiative...people who like to use scapegoats and blame others or "outside factors" on being fat are irritating because you dont get off your ass and try to do something about it. yes yes, more blanket statements from the insensitive fool that i am, but stereotypes have to come from somewhere...
oh and why the hell are all the thin people getting upset when people refer to them as thin??? that would be like the biggest compliment ever if someone called me that...and what the hell do you have to be pissy about when it comes to YOUR weight?
interesting just because someone has big bones makes them fat!
There is a difference here peeps!!!
someone who has big bones can be skinny... it's the meat on the bones that worry me!
One biiiiiiig family. That can't stay off the KFC bargain bucket.
I hear all the comments about the fat people being fat,no you guys are hell wrong. I am 10 years old 5' 3'' and weigh 169.8 pounds and I do not care because I like my big boned figure. If I was skinny I would not be strong, tall, I would be eating junk, I don't really eat that much junk, though.I can only drink one pop then it's just milk, juice, or water, or fruit water too. for meals I only eat 1 or 2 plates. and now I can just be myself because skinny fucks who say we are fat, are just assholes. so the people who are fat, don't worry. Because that is who you are. (I am fat and I approve this message)And I will ONLY like to hear big boned comments from people who are big boned. the skinny people are just going to leave more fat comments.
Wotever helps peeps get through the day I guess.
Big bones dont roll up on ur stomach when u sit down and they dont wobble when u move. But if people wanna believe and eat a pie rather than go out for a walk, good luck to them i say.
I feel sad about all these comments about fat people. It's just so... wrong! I mean if people want to stay that way just let them be that way because they like it. Like me.Because i'm fat and I have a LOT of friends. So if someone is going to leave a bad "fat" comment. F***k you A**holes and go jump off a brige! Bi***.
?? So she 1st big boned skeleton found? I have big boned friends. Are we special? ??
I am confused.
Yep. Special you are. And fat.
I can not believe how much time people have on their hands. I was looking on the internet after doing homework and found these ridiculous site. Not everybody is the same and some people have bigger frames and statures than others. but no matter what your body type there are all sorts of eating disorders fat or skinny that stem from abuse and emotional issues that people don't know how to deal with. Who cares let people be love them and show them that jesus loves them and maybe they will get better
It takes a child (after doing their homework) to tell the truth! I didn't know that Jesus was big-boned too. OMG! That is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, please tell me where in scripture it says that!
Keep up the great work. It very impressive. Enjoyed the visit!
How old was this big boned princess? Any1 no? I got this condition and I want to no when I die.
Honestly people. You all are wrong. Being healthy is the key. whether you be "hefty", "thin", "Fat", "slim" whatever you want to call it, Being health is what is important. If a person is healthy, who should care how much they weigh. Lets put it this way, Im 5'11" and 170lbs. I put on a few pounds and to myself I look like Ive grown Fat, but that's my opinion, and thats the one that counts when it comes to ME. I go on a diet, I work out, I need to because of other heath reasons anyway, so it helps ME in the long run. stop worrying about others. If you are overweight or underweight, do somthing about it. Be healthy, and worry about yourself. If you are healthy, then there should be no argument.
lol this is interesting becus I'm big boned , too . no not fat . I weight 130 .
point and laugh at tubsters!
a couple things. 1 i believe people can be big boned but u can tell if they are big boned. if ur 600 pounds and cant move without lifts and pullies then even thou u may be big boned u are still fat. being fat may not be your fault but in many cases it is do to bad habits starting at early ages. next i hate to tell u guys but this is quite obviously a spoof article. do u honestly think its an archiological find of a big boned person lol. im sure ther r real articles out ther u could read if ur interested in the topic but this is riduculous. they talk of it like its a new dinosaur when millions of familys worldwide have this bone structure. so fit, skinny, overweight people theyre are big boned people out ther and u know who u are and u do exists. but i am big boned used to weigh 300 pounds now am down to 210 all muscle. it is still clear that im big boned but that proves to all of those people out ther saying they cant get slim or fit. if u work at it it happens. best of luck and may u all become perfect beings in your minds one day lol.
LOL - big boned! arf!
It's too bad that not all of us are as perfect as those who feel they are entitled enough to be so ignorant towards people you are too lazy to get to know on a deeper level. It is sad that we are in the 21st century and we still cannot figure out how to love our fellow man and put aside our differences. Life is too damn short. My best friend, who is friend to all isn't a fitness instructor, but is probably one of the kiddest, most warm hearted people could ever know. He barely eats except late at night usually, I eat more then him and I'm small. And he is probably one of the hardest working people I know, and excels at everything he does. So don't judge until you know. It really breaks my heart to know that we treat eachother like we were still in grade school. As they say if you know better you will do better, so lets do better and treat eachother with respect. Be kind and if things like overweight people bother you, help them do something for man kind and help those who aren't as perfect as you with your fast motabolism and your too much time on your hands to work out 7 days a week 3 hours a day. Help those who cannot help themselves and then maybe you'll see. And get the big picture. One day you'll be ugly, maybe you won't be able to walk on your own, or wipe your own ass and you'll think man i was an asshole. Nobodies perfect and those who think they are or who we think are are hiding things from us.
two helps of a gif fat paragraph ....
Does anyone know where this Sidcup college is?
SHUT UP....all you people who say that it is the person's fault r just dumb. I have been "big boned" all my life, I am now 19 and weigh 180. But, you want to know something, i have been mistaken to weigh less. I remember going to the doctor once and the nurse made me get back on the scale cause she didn't believe i weighed that much, she thought i weighed 150. An before you go cussing me out here is something you should know, all the women and men on my mothers side are bigboned. So genetics is invovled, not just lack of dieting.
I have had my guy friends tell me that I look like I weigh 140, when I actually am 180....that's a 40 pound difference people. And some were shocked to find out that i weighed more. I have never been called and none of my family or friends have ever called me fat. One guy friend actually poked my ribs n realized that i was actually big boned.
I am sorry if i can't be as skinny as those girls in the magazines, but "hey, God made me different".
i am 16 5f10inches
184 weigth i am big boned compared to my friends even the fat and skinny i am tall the healthy average for my heigth is 164
so im 20 over so what i aint scarny im built tougth u hit me il hit ya till it hurts ur going down not me so shut up if you think its genetic or big boned its all based on luck either your high metabolism or not so shut up when im speaking to u jerk.
LOL - Anonymous above js threatened me! I am scared u know? Shakin here.
I don't get what's all this crap about people making fun of fat boys/girls.
Skinny ass folk are fucking flat chested and usually have no ass.
Skinny folk have no brains cause they always fucking starve their asses up thinking OMG I'm FAT111111111!
Another note yes people get fat by being lazy. eating too much etc.
BUT! For some it's carried down in genetics.
Like those cute really pudgy babies have a bigger change of getting and staying obese.
I mean really you guys want to fuck some anorexic chick or a girl with some hips and breats?
Anyway fat only became out in the recent centuries.
If it were like back then you skinny ass people would never get a man. :P
If you want to go by sterotypes I could say this about skinny people.
They starve themselves.
They are very shallow.
They have no brains.
Most are blonds.
They have no boobs.
They have no ass.
Yeah.... :P
When they hit 30 they're gonna get fucking huge cause their metabolism's gonna die on them.
It's always good to hear the informed views of a trained medical profession. Like.
hey, im big boned....not fat.... im a size 10 and beautiful.... big boned does not mean big body. it means you have thick bones.
ok i am samoan and i am big boned, was born with it. im tall 5'8, have broad shoulders, play soccer,i have to say being big boned is not fat, your just larger than the average size. In hawaii there are lots of different types of bodies, most samoans are big boned, and my cousins are too. And being big boned has some advantages :).
so really, wen u notice "big boned" part, it doesnt mean ur fat lol. ridiculous i cant believe u guys dont know what big boned is.
and u guys who insult ppl that are fat are just stupid. seroiusly get a life, nobody cares about what u guys think, this is about a big boned skeleton that they first discovered, and what first comes up to your mind is fat? pathetic
I have absolutly never seen so much stupidity in one place i love this website i gurantee 99% of the people commenting base there belief in God on what a scientist says also LOOOL EPIC FAIL how about i get everyone here a picture of my uncles hand and fingers and then tell me that there is no evidence of BIG BONED HUMANS HOW FOOLISH IS THIS when they Xray his hand the doctor determined his ring finger was 1 inch round just in bone he takes a size 22 ring this is why the world thinks we are a product of evolution this is why there is no moral left and why murder is second nature dont you just love it people listen to other people not the real evidence whats staring them in the face muha hahahhaa ROFL
I want to say EPIC FAIL, but then i would sound like a twat.
So i'll just say nice one, instead.
It's actually true, the big-bone thing. I'm big-boned myself, and even though my stomach is slim I'm still seen as "fat" because of the larger hips and thighs ;/ it sucks too. No matter how much weight you loose you'll still be seen as "fat" ._.
Wow. Okay, really? Are there any adults on here? Or is everyone here a bunch of middle school kids? Seriously. There is a few people here that have common sense but other then that, there is no common courtesy. How about being civil to one another? Regardless as to if the research is fake or not, get some respect. But I'm sure someone will reply with something completely idiotic and attempt and insult at me, (congratulations, your a rude a**hole.) but I figured someone should stand up for the fact that we are ALL still human and everyone has feelings. I might as well say, "HEY, Hey you with the face, You are an atrocity. Go get plastic surgery and fix it." Try thinking of more then just yourselves or just your "Category". Grow up.
I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly? Looking at the comments they appear to be angry? I guess the effort of moving a mouse makes them tired and grumpy. And bad spellers.
Anyone who thinks that all fat people are fat because they stuff their faces 24/7 is an idiot.
I'm 5'3" and 115 pounds. My hip bones and ribs are visible, but not in an unhealthy way. I have broad shoulders and a wide rib cage. If you put me next to a Japanese girl of the same height, and we were both 100 pounds, she'd probably look fine, and I'd look anorexic.
In order to go below this weight, I'd have to eat next to nothing on a daily basis. Some people have better bodies, some worse. There are people my height who, under the same conditions, can go below 90, and people who can't get under 130.
Quit prejudging people. That "fat fuck" could be trying their hardest to lose weight, or even be healthier than you are, and just happen to be huskier. I know people twice my weight who could beat me in athletics.
I just hate to see people my weight sitting back, smoking, stuffing their faces with Mickey D's, and halfway to a heart attack, criticizing fat people.
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