Billenz, the German electronics manufacturer today announced the launch date for its “Mythical” games console. The console has been the subject of rumour, leaks and discussion within the games playing community for over a year. Although the company has refused to comment many games magazines and technology blogs have detailed the new machine, citing anonymous sources claiming to be former employees of Billenz. The feverish speculation has led the blogging community to declare the console as the most powerful yet conceived and predicted to knock Sony from the top step of the games console podium.
Heinz Billing, CEO and founder of Billenz today broke his silence on the project. “I have refused comment for the last of two years on details for this Mythical console. We repeatedly have denied its existence and refused to discuss its specifications, which we will continue. Again let me say, so I can be clear. This console is mythical, its performance is unimaginable. Nothing like this will be played in the world.”
When pressed as to the availability he replied, “Release date? How about April 1st?” Mr Billenz’s words met with a cheer from gaming journalists and bloggers present.
“That is just what we wanted to hear, “ said Kallum Smythe aka, ‘Mr Bloggy‘. “As April gets closer more and more gamers will be camped out on the streets waiting to get hold of not only the new console, but also the spectacular new games that we will be writing about over the next few months. We in the technology community needed this now that the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii have all hit the shops.”
A hushed awe fell over those assembled when a question was asked about the controllers for the new machine, and whether they would be as innovative as the Wii-Mote motion sensitive device used on the Wii. “There is no controller, “ said Mr Billenz. This has already led to some industry pundits speculating about optical motion capture technology as used in military helicopters.
Mr Billenz was true to his word when he refused to reveal any specifications of the graphics capability of the Mythical machine, only that “You will not be able to tell the images generated by this mythical console.” leading to rife speculation of true photo realistic technology.
“It is very difficult, “ said Mr Billenz after the conference, “I try to tell them. We only make washing machines.”
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