"Well, I just thought it was someone who looked a bit like her, you know. Diana’s died, she was like killed in that car crash, or something," said Miss Winlingsborth. "On my last day I took a photo of the news room and showed it to a few friends and they all recognised her."
Diana, Princess of Wales, confessed that the stories were indeed true and that she had been secretly working in the newsroom and helping to shape the Express’s stories
"When the crash happened, I realised that it was a chance to get out of the limelight," said a tearful, doe-eyed princess, speaking exclusively to the Daily Express. "However after a few months I realised that I just needed that oxygen of publicity again."

“We just never suspected that Diana, was well Diana,” explained Rhys Billingsworth, Daily Express Chief Researcher . “I guess we have been focussing too much on how MI6, in collaboration with Masonic Vampires, killed her to see the truth as obvious as it was.”
"I was able to subtly plant some stories about myself, not too many, just a few to keep the headlines going. I was careful not to overdo it, " said the Princess. "I think I was only on the front page of the Express 46 times last year."
Diana said that in some ways she was relieved that the truth had come out, but also pleased that she can leave a legacy of higher journalistic standards.
"You know, before the crash, the paper was filled with paparazzi photos, but in my time on the news desk I was able to change that, now they only use ad-hoc photos from freelance photographers."
You can read more about Diana’s amazing story, each and every day in the Daily Express.
well, it is infact not too funny to interfere with facts in life that exist around the world.Princess Diana was a very respectable lady n even after 10yrs of her departure, people around the world love her n respect her. there has been no alteration in it. such pranks just is an absolute insult n disrespect to a great humanitarian. do show some civility n maturity n do behave in a better way n do not hurt the sentiments of people around u. not everyone would forgive n forget.
is she really alive???hope somebody will answer me...and prove some evidences...please..thanks
im just wondering how they were able to plan this whole thing up. i mean, for 10years people believed that shes dead. does she still see her two sons? was prince charles involved in this? where is dodi fayed?
is this for real?is that really princess diana?i would like to read more about her story but cannot seam to find it.can somebody help me it?this is so unreal.after all these years.does anybody else really think that is her?does anybody know of anymore pictures of her that was made after the crash?hope to hear from somebody soon.
How do you think they can keep it for 10 years? Just like the whole world is beeing manipulated and as 9/11, irak, and hiding sience ETC.ETC. Because NWO are keeping control of everything, wake up plz
This woman is the finest human being ever to walk the planet - she was the new Jesus.
Why you can't leave her alone is beyond me.
Everyday I read more and more about her and wonder at exactly how she managed to wear a hat and have such dignity to be driven in a limo to smile at ill people and that.
Lady Di was a saint. And her teachings on life are a powerful message to us all.
If you don't lay off her I will cut you.
If she is really alive, give us the address where she is in Dubai. Who was in the coffin then if it is not the princess? I don't think that her children did not see her face nor her family.This reminds me too once I was having lunch in a restaurant in Paris andafter her death I saw someone who looked like her and was having lunch too with someone. The ressemblance was so touching that I was about to ask her for an autograph. I was sure it was her as she was gracious just like she was. If she is not dead, this confirms the fact that it was her in the restaurant on that day!!!!!!!!!
oh please, let the woman rest in peace.
But where is she resting?
"The new Jesus", "a saint"...come on, get real!!! She was a normal person, and had her strengths and failings like everyone else. She was certainly nothing special or extraordinary. Mother Theresa deserves a million times more praise than Diana but sadly she died only a week later and was forgotten in the ridiculous overreaction hysteria that was Diana's death.
People seemed to be mourning as if it was someone in their own family or something, absolutely insane. I was sadder when the Queen Mum died, she was faithful and honest and a true lady. Diana was a good person and did some good things but come on, stop this overreaction.
OMFG and the truth is out now about Heather Mills http://bit.ly/bq79Pg
Is she still working her way through the ligeguards regiment?
I wish someone would find out for sure that she really is dead all this Diana Conspiracy Theory that many people wanted her dead and that she had many bad feelings about that something would happen to her a car crash and she would be killed this would in very bad taste if it were true that she is alive and does not want people to know the people of Britain would be very shocked if this were true . Let her rest in peace wherever she is we need to remember her for all the good she did and not what the media prints on her and her life We love you diana wherever you are
Someone did a poor photoshop job; her head & neck connecting does not look convincing.
i respect the princes of goodwill..but if she is truly alive why is she hiding?from what?for her relationship with dodi?isn't she divorced from prince charles before the crash happened, so why is she hiding?
"When the crash happened, I realised that it was a chance to get out of the limelight," said a tearful, doe-eyed princess, speaking exclusively to the Daily Express. "However after a few months I realised that I just needed that oxygen of publicity again."
I'm very intuitive. The evening that I heard that she had died, I felt that the story was shrouded in secrecy. There was no post mortem for Princess Diana. This is a required procedure in all accident cases... why not?
6 hours before her supposed death, she made a statement saying that she would no longer be a part of the spotlight.
The accident was probably something that was real.
She may have been alive and well... but they allowed her to escape, to start a new life.
Who can blame her?
The paparazzi followed her like an animal being chased on "the hunt". She would NEVER in a million years- have been able to have had a "Normal Life"... if she were still alive.
Regardless of "who" she would date or marry, she would always be under the scrutiny of the whole world.
She had to stage her death-- in order to have a life.
What a great story!
well if its true where is she today? is she gonna watch her son getting married in disguise which mother wud not die to see her sons!!!she has a lovely dauter inlw but she topped them royalty all.what a woman she won the hearts of young old rich poor to the world definately the queen of hearts.no royalty can ever match her shes a natural smthing no one cud ever buy.oh charles u fool settled down for??? old camy anyway they say love is blind esp when getting old!!! so is she alive or dead ????
let diana rest in peace.she will be at her sons wedding in spirit. and any way that picture its too short to be diana
Damn tat kid is right. Its me diana.GOD bless u kid
Mom is that seriously you. Can I come over tonight me and Kate.
Invite Harry Also
Diana is very much alive. She is living as Lydia Snaresbrook in Kensington, North Carolina.
Remember Elvis????
The human comedy: Honoré de Balzac
The Splendors and Miseries of Courtesans
Lost Illusions.
She is not alive, she is gone. And i think it is very disrespectful to her and her family to be pulling some kind of prank like this. It's been 12 years since the accident, if she was somehow alive, we would have known it long ago. But the point is shes not, but she will always be loved and remembered by everyone around the world.
Harry has always been a fan of Surreal Scoop, he got William interested and I think I saw Kate reading it on her iPad before they came out onto the balcony.
So it must be true.
It is true. Yes, Flunky23, I was reading this on my ipad; William my husband, gave it to me. SO SHUT UP ANONYMOUS!! SHE WAS AT MY WEDDING! GAVE ME A TIARA!!!
That image is from her panorama interview that got her kicked out of the royal family. I really don't believe that she is still alive because Diana would not want to leave her sons thinking of her dead when she is really alive. If she is still alive, I dont think that she would have wanted to see all these people crying and killing themselves because of her death which might have been staged. The person who sent in this picture is just looking for there 15 minuets of fame which like diana's is up. Let's move on and remember her for the person that she WAS and celebrate her son's wedding and their future. Thanks
anonymous said...However put this photo up is pretty stupid. Why,because when an ex royal or royal dies the queen orders dna test to prove its a royal.Now if you didnt know this think next time before you put a fake photot
she loved her sons way to much to just leave them it dosen't sound like the loving princess she was and just leave the royal family alone it's hard enough that she died
I thought it was when they are BORN not when they die that the Queen orders a DNA test to prove they are royal....Yes she is alive and here with me in Switzerland,
Marilyn Monroe.
Ok, Marilyn Monroe is dead. Second my mother in law is alive. She didn't mean for all the people killing themselves. And second of all
<3 William <3 and Harry knew their mothers plan. She lived in the Spencer home.
I will not be talked to like that, also TELL US MAGAZINE THAT IM OFFICIALLY PREGNANT.
Kate, Duchess Of Cambridge
i just pray that Princess Diana is alive
She will re-appear after Dec.21 to rule the world ~
Let her rest in peace. The accident was indeed tragic and up to this very moment, no one really knows who did the crime. motorcycle accident attorney los angeles
It was indeed a tragic accident. The whole world mourned because of the death of a princess. I wish that the criminal behind the accident would be punished. brain injury attorney los angeles
That picture is indeed photo shopped. You can tell by the difference in lighting between the image of Di and the rest of the crew at their desks.
i hope she will came out soon..and speak the truth about the royal rubbish..love u lady di
These cheap tabloids never run out of fabricated and outrageous news to publish. Sometimes I wonder why there are still people taking these news seriously. It is just comical.
OMG are peopel seriously stupid enough to believe this? The head on the photo is from a scene in the Martin Bashir interview with Diana.
Hahaha this is hysterical As much as i would love to hope she was alive and well this picture was edited with the head off the panoramic interview lmao its a very famous picture actually its the one that shows up every time you type Diana interview in the search engine haha
if she is alive where is she at and what state???
i believe it is possible that princess diana might have staged her own death. it would seem to me that this would have stopped all of the ludicrous and horrific publicity that she was getting from the press. She did this to vanish from the limelight and i'm sure her sons and daughter-in-law are aware of what's going on. Afterall anything's possible!
Does anyone else think Lady Di has already been to visit with her new grandson?
You people are sick. No Mother would subject their child or children to walk behind a casket in a funeral. Especially for the hoax of her being brutally killed so she could get out of the spot light. Diana would never do that to her children. She would stand her ground and remain the Mother she was to her Boys until this day if she were alive. She would have broke Royalty again for the birth of her Grandchild she would have been at the hospital. You people must really know nothing of Princess Diana. Read about her you will find your answer. R.I.P. Princess Diana
If this were true there's no way that she would use her actual name it's too suspect
Dead is dead end of story !!!! .
LOL that is the WORST photoshop job I've seen in awhile! Find something more productive to do with your lives, please. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or a clothing drive, or donate to charities. Stop wasting your precious time on earth cloning Diana's face onto random photos. Shame on you.
Right, Diana, whatever why, here my phone, 0056 96 505 67 01, I'd please like you to call me, right now, greetings, 'J.A.,' so I can find out & so on, joram.arentved@yahoo.se, (Sweden), if you can fail to do it, I might wonder, Who on Earth is Who?
this picture is photoshop'd you can clearly see the difference in focus of Diana's face compared the sharper focus of the body and the rest of the photo... Seriously how messed up are people to make this rubbish up!
i feel she still alive. watch their CCTV, car crash and photo ... they're hiding some secret.
How do we know that it was the real Diana that died in Paris? An autopsy was never conducted and every famous person has a body double. She could be alive and not telling her kids because Harry and Wills were raised by Queen Elizabeth who taught them to never lie. If Wills and Harry found out she was alive they would tell EVERY tabloid in Britain!
of course, she is alive
diana rules mi6 in india since 1997 behind dalai lama crew in mcleodganj
lady di grave is empty
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